By Chris Iliades, MD
Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH
For many people, lunch is the meal most often eaten away from home — and also the one that has the most potential to wreck a healthy diet. Whether you typically eat at a restaurant, order takeout, or bring a packed lunch to work, it’s essential to avoid the pitfalls associated with working lunches.
“The most important thing to remember when it comes to a healthy lunch at work is to get the right mix of nutrients,” says Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, LDN, clinical associate professor at Boston University.
Healthy Lunch Essentials
You should eat a lunch that will give you energy for the rest of the afternoon. That means having a mix of proteins and carbohydrates. “A salad with low-fat dressing is not a healthy choice; add some protein in the form of meat or beans. You can also have a sandwich along with your salad,” says Blake. “Skimping on your office lunch is a mistake. You will come home hungry and eat too much at dinner. You need a good breakfast and a healthy lunch to make it through the day.”
A Healthier Restaurant Lunch
Restaurants offer tempting food choices that you might not consider if you were eating at home. But not all dining-out options are unhealthy. Many restaurants now cook meals that are low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Here are some tips to help you make smart choices when eating out:
Order smart. Avoid foods that are fried, crispy, or stuffed; these tend to be high in fat and calories. Look for roasted, broiled, or grilled options instead.Ask questions. Don’t be shy — find out how a dish is prepared. You can ask for skin to be removed from chicken or for excess fat to be removed from meat.Get sauce on the side. You can control additional fat and calories by asking for gravy, sauces, and dressings in a separate dish, then use them judiciously, if at all.Aim for portion control. “Restaurants often put more food on a plate than you would at home, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat it all,” says Blake. “Consider sharing a meal or taking half your meal home in a to-go bag.”Opt out of dessert. Persuasive waiters, menus, and food carts can tempt you into ordering dessert. Use self-control and avoid high-fat, high-calorie sweets. If skipping this course isn’t possible, ask your server for fresh fruit or a fruit sorbet.A Smarter Takeout Lunch
A work lunch can be fast food without being unhealthy. Fast food used to be restricted to a burger and fries. “Today, takeout can be a Caesar salad with dressing on the side, a baked potato, or a cup of vegetable soup,” notes Blake. Here are more takeout tips:
Beware of added fat. Stay away from burger and sandwich toppings like cheese and bacon. If you go for a baked potato, don’t add calories with butter and sour cream. Also, remember that a fried fish sandwich is not a healthy lunch; ask for grilled fish or chicken instead.Drink smart. Don’t even think about a milkshake. Ask for low-fat milk, unsweetened juice, or seltzer.Watch for hidden salt. Even meals with a lot of vegetables can be unhealthy. For example, Chinese takeout is often loaded with salt, and the portions are large. Think about sharing, and be sure to monitor your salt intake throughout the day.
A Better Brown-Bag Lunch
Bringing your own office lunch is a good way to manage your diet, especially if you follow these food-group guidelines:
Protein. Buy low-fat sandwich meats like turkey, baked ham, or lean roast beef, instead of high-fat meats like bologna.Grains. When making a sandwich, use whole–grain breads made with whole wheat, oat, or multigrain flour instead of white breads or wraps.Fruits and vegetables. These high-fiber foods give you sustained energy. Bring along a small container with low-fat dip or some peanut butter (to add protein) for carrot and celery sticks.Snack foods. Healthy snacks include trail mix, baked chips, and popcorn. Low-fat yogurt is another good snack choice because it provides vitamin D and calcium.Whether it’s a restaurant special, a quick takeout, or a brown-bag meal, you can have a healthy lunch at work with these basic principles: Avoid hidden fats, sugars, and calories, and eat a balanced meal composed of protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.