Anyone paint their car bodies with acrylics? I have heard good things about Tamiya and Gunze acrylics, they dry fast, they can be clear coated and buffed/polished just like enamel and lacquers. I am thinking of making the switch just for inside paint fumes, acrylics will not be as bad and harsh as enamels and lacquers.
I would assume there is not acrylic primers available, so that would still leave using enamel or lacquer primers right? How do acrylics stand up in durability and drying time compared to enamels/lacquers? Can you wet sand and polish acrylics? Clears coat options for acrylics…Tamiya X-22 clear? I am just concerned that acrylic paints and clear gloss coats would be too soft for sanding and polishing.
Would appreciate any feedback or advice from those who have used acrylics and what they think about the advantages and disadvantages of their use.
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