Tuesday 15 March 2011

Worldly Travels Delivering Tooth Fairy Certificate Magic!

Dear Parents,

This week my travels took me to Lagos, Nigeria, Landover, Maryland and Valencia, Spain. If I had my druthers, however, I wouldn’t have gone to Lagos, then to Maryland and then back to Spain. Given that Spain is much closer to Nigeria, I wish the sequence of events had meant that I left home, went to Nigeria, then Spain and then Maryland. From Maryland, I am just a hop and a skip (or a flutter) back home.

On Monday, I got the call that a young Yoruba boy lost his tooth. I was kind of excited because I haven’t been to Nigeria in many, many years. I am not sure why because children lose their teeth there all the time, but that is just how things have worked out for me. I ‘flew’ across the Atlantic Ocean and decided to make a quick stop to hear singer/songwriter Youssou N’Dour who was holding a concert in his birthplace of Senegal. Oh how I love his music! Although I didn’t have a ticket, I don’t think the people checking tickets noticed me as I flew past them.

The concert ended on Tuesday night and I left immediately and made my way south to Nigeria. Lagos is beautiful this time of year. All of Babatunde’s family was sleeping and so was this 7-year old. He stirred slightly as I removed his tooth and replaced it with some Nigerian naira, but he quickly fell back asleep.

I had very little time to go back to the east coast of the United States to arrive by Wednesday night in Landover, Maryland and find Layla in her bed sound asleep. Her tooth, which I believe is her 5th, lay right beside her pillow. My guess is that she wasn’t taking any chances that I could miss it.

I went back home and began making out two Tooth Fairy Certificates; one for Babatunde and the other for Layla. I began to wonder whether that was it for the week, as my phone didn’t ring again. So I decided to take a little mini vacation to Puerto Rico, where I stayed for two nights. As I was about to head home on Saturday, I learned that Isela in Spain lost her 3rd tooth. And so, I gathered my things and since I was so close to San Juan, Puerto Rico, I hopped a commercial flight to Spain. I was too tired to make that journey twice in one week.

Isela is an incredibly beautiful little girl with a very unique name, which I learned while in her home that Isela means unique! As I flew into Isela’s room, her mother saw me and fainted. I must have given her a fright. Her husband, who hadn’t seen me, rushed to her side, which gave me a great opportunity to slip into Isela’s room undetected.

Although I was utterly exhausted when I got home Sunday morning, I have already made sure that Isela’s Tooth Fairy Certificate is on its way to her.

Until next time,

The Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy Letters

Imagination Destination

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