Friday 18 March 2011

Bread, Oil, and Wine

We are on the other side of the ocean now, closer to the equator and smack, dab in the middle of one of the hottest spots on earth — Jerusalem. Hot in the sense of the tension of two brothers that have been at war with each other for centuries. The disagreements still churn, rather burn. And yes, it is possible to feel tension in the air, some days more than others. Sometimes I wonder which stray spark will ignite the whole in all-out civil war.

But it is such a privilege to travel and connect with others in this place and wherever our journey demands. It is our portion to bring fresh bread, sweet wine, and healing oil as nourishment to those weary from the journey.

We don’t take sides in this battle — spiritual or political. It is too complicated for us. We understand the history and details are massive, with complex issues to resolve. There is no pat answer. But. For. God. And the healing power of love. We can’t mend the problem, but we can bring momentary relief.

Israel is not alone in needing aid. Each nation has its own wounds and issues. As we travel we hear peoples’ stores of pain over and over. We see the suffering on their faces, and we feel their injustices.

Yesterday Wayne spoke in a congregation in Tel Aviv about the need to heal the generations. The move of God was sweet. How we all needed the refreshment of the Holy Spirit, our comforter and guide.

Tomorrow we are off to Cyprus and then Ethiopia… yep our suitcases are dusted and serving their purpose again.

I will be posting photos and short journal entries as we go… A new adventure begins.

Posted on Sunday, January 16th, 2011 at 7:04 am in Culture, photography, Travel   |  RSS feed |   Respond   |   Trackback URL

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