Factories in Nottingham and France will be shut gradually over the next two years with the loss of almost 900 jobs.
The firm, which produces cigarette brands including Lambert and Butler, JPS and Gauloises, blamed declining sales for the decision.
It added the factory in Thane Road, Nottingham, which employs 540 staff, was using only half of its capacity.
They said a consultation on the firm's restructure plans had begun with unions.
The company said about 320 people are employed at the factory in Carquefou, near Nantes and a further 130 new jobs would be created at a factory in Poland.
Chief executive of Imperial Tobacco, Alison Cooper, said: "These projects are an essential part of securing the sustainable future of the business.
"The prospect of job losses is always regrettable and we will be doing all we can to support employees and ensure that they are treated in a fair and responsible manner."