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Home Page > News > Campaigners ask Belfast to make the right choice and ‘Save Lennox’ the death row dog Blogs





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Campaigners ask Belfast to make the right choice and ‘Save Lennox’ the death row dogVigils held across the world - VIDEOSBy ANTOINETTE KELLY, IrishCentral.com Staff Writer
Published Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 8:35 AMUpdated Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 9:52 AM

Thousands of candles were lit across the world on Sunday night, in support of the “Save Lenox” campaign, to show support of the Belfast dog, who is due to face euthanasia, due to the way he looks.
In Brighton supporters held a candlelit vigil on Sunday and messages of support were posted on the group’s Facebook wall “One Million Lights for Lennox”.
“We lit a candle for Lennox here in Germany!,” said one supporter.
“Goodmorning from melbourne , thinking of you Lennox,”said another.
In California, one supporter wrote: “Candles burning for you Lennox! From Fresno, CA, stay strong, beautiful boy!”
While Texas also showed it’s support:” Houston, Texas ~ we are burning candles for you Lennox! We are definitely saying many prayers as well.”
The dog’s owner, Caroline Barnes has been left heartbroken since her six-year-old pet was seized. A drawn out court battle to release the dog, ended last week when a court dismissed the appeal to spare the pets life.
Read More:
‘Save Lennox’ campaigner’s fight goes on for death row Belfast dog
Lennox, Belfast death row dog attracts worldwide attention
Belfast fury as Judge orders that disabled girl’s pet dog be put to sleep
Lennox was originally picked up by a Belfast Cit Council dog warden on May 19, 2010. When officers called to the home of Barnes to check the dog licence, it was noted to be acting aggressively. As a result it was assumed the dog was a pit bull, a breed of dog which is banned in Northern Ireland. However the owners maintain he is an American Bull dog Labrador cross.
The dog remains in a secret hiding place, for fears he may be kidnapped and has been ordered to be put to death by lethal injection on October 14.
For more information on the campaign check out www.savelennox.co.uk/
Topics: Irish crime,Irish politics

Most recent of 25 comments - See all commentsIt may take several minutes for your comment to appear. Report abusePosted by sirpeter on Oct 11, 2011, 04:50 PM EDT@Sheldonopolis.Never put them through spell check.There is not one person here who does not make mistakes in spelling or grammar.It takes me less then one minute to put a comment up on this article.You either get it or you don't.Give me a person with bad spelling and grammar with intelligent and well balanced ideas over a word perfect load of crap any day.You can teach spelling and grammar but you can't teach intelligence.There is a big difference.Academic achievement is not the same thing as intelligence.See how you learn from me? I didn't even use spell check. Report abusePosted by Sarah99 on Oct 11, 2011, 04:30 PM EDTHa! I wish I were psychic...then I could have the next big invention or win the lottery, retire and head home. I’m just saying that this story has reached far and wide and many people care about what happens to this dog, and what it says about society in general. “Little dog” was used as a term of endearment as he is an innocent dog. I know full well that he is a large dog, 80-100 lbs. If you look at the pictures of him with the wardens he is not wearing a muzzle...he is kissing them! Oh, and anyone who still questions who shot JFK needs to brush up on their history since only conspiracy theorists question that one. Report abusePosted by Sarah99 on Oct 11, 2011, 03:19 PM EDTI'm not denying that there are problems here too and the way animals are treated needs to be fixed. Maybe the national attention of this case will help the cause of other animals too. P.S. I'm from Dublin, I just happen to be living & working in NYC. Report abusePosted by whatISinAname on Oct 11, 2011, 03:10 PM EDTBy the way miss animal lover from NYC you want to talk civilized countries. In the USA over 56% of dogs and puppies entering shelters are killed, based on reports from over 1,055 facilities across America. (National Counsel on Pet Population Study. An estimated 5 million cats and dogs are killed in shelters each year. That's one about every six and one half seconds. (The Humane Society of the United States) Millions more are abandoned, only to suffer from illness or injury before dying. (Doris Day Animal League. Why don't you clear your own house before casting stones at others. Report abusePosted by Sheldonopolis on Oct 11, 2011, 02:56 PM EDT@sirpeter well you didn't put that one through spell check did you :) Report abusePosted by whatISinAname on Oct 11, 2011, 02:48 PM EDTYea he did not bit them because it is hard to sink you teeth in when your wearing a muzzle... Report abusePosted by whatISinAname on Oct 11, 2011, 02:47 PM EDTNow we have the psychics from NYC telling us what happened as if they were there. Maybe you can let us in if you have the time as to who killed JFK? By he way if you have been following it for so long I would doubt you would refer to Lennox as "this little dog" Report abusePosted by Sarah99 on Oct 11, 2011, 02:24 PM EDTAs an animal lover, I have been following the case of Lennox the dog quite closely and am quite frankly appalled that something so medieval, small minded and dictatorial could happen in such a “civilized” country as Ireland. Do not underestimate how far this story has reached; I am following it from New York City, U.S.A., where this little dog has won many hearts.From all accounts this dog has never bitten anyone. Perhaps it growled at the dog wardens (strangers) who came to his home, but he did not bit them. His actions were nothing more than those of a loving dog protecting his family from a perceived threat. If these people cannot fully understand and interpret dog behavior, than perhaps they should be in a different line of work. The article by animal expert Victoria Stillwell gives a thorough evaluation of Lennox’ behavior and dog behavior in general and brings up many points to be considered in evaluating Lennox’ case. I’ve seen pictures of poor Lennox in the pound being petted by, and giving kisses to, these same dog wardens who claim to be scared of him because he is allegedly dangerous and aggressive. If they truly believe that he could do them harm, then why on earth would they allow him to be un-muzzled in their presence, cuddle with him, stroke his head and let him give them kisses? This is a gross miscarriage of justice. Even going on the premise that he has been sentenced to death simply because his very existence violates dog ordinances is a farce, as an American Bulldog/Labrador mix is a far cry from a Pit Bull. Putting this dog to sleep simply because he exists and looks a little different than say, a poodle is a complete and utter disgrace. If you put this innocent dog to sleep, I can honestly say that I will be ashamed to be Irish. The eyes of the world are upon you, please do the right thing and let this poor dog return to his family. Report abusePosted by Sarah99 on Oct 11, 2011, 02:22 PM EDT@ Sirpeter. It is no mark of intelligence sir, to simply slap up an ill informed and misspelled response, but rather a sign of a lazy mind. It is far better to check your facts and your spelling when presenting an argument, getting your reply in fast does not make it best.True, there are starving people in the world, and many other issues, but this is not the forum for that discussion. You are commenting on an article about a dog, if you are not concerned about said dog, then do not waste everyone’s time by commenting on the article.As to import, this is a dog whose only crime is the way he looks, and he is being put to death for simply that. This is a booming, and freighting statement on society.It is a sign of a petty thinker to assume that because one cares about animals and the injustices imposed upon them that they cannot also care about other issues. In point of fact, those that care for animals show more compassion for their fellow man than those who do not; they donate more to charities in both money and time.Speaking of caring for those less fortunate, have you met these suffering, dying people in person? Have you actively given of your time to solve their plight? It is oft times the ones who shout the loudest for others to “do something” that do the least themselves. I have no more time to deal with your petty drivel as there are more important issues in the world than your personal opinion. Report abusePosted by gaypizzaman on Oct 11, 2011, 02:15 PM EDTSo no one should try to help this family because there are people starving elsewhere in the world? That's ridiculous. People have come together on this case because, among other things, it's a tragedy that could have been easily rectified--and one that was easily prevented. The dog laws in Northern Ireland are insane. Dog wardens literally have the authority to break down people's doors and drag their dogs away without recourse if one of the (already proven shady) public officials thinks it looks a little too much like a dog they once heard about on the news. People are outraged not because it's more important than people starving in Africa, but because it's a smaller, more accessible example of the cruelty of humanity both towards animals and each other. Report abusePosted by sirpeter on Oct 11, 2011, 01:41 PM EDT@Sheldonopolis.I have never commented on a persons typos on any forum.I like to spend more time putting up an argument then putting my comment through spell check.The dumbest people on the internet are those who comment on spelling and grammar.Why don't you try saying something? Report abusePosted by sirpeter on Oct 11, 2011, 01:31 PM EDT@whatISinAname.I would ignore them.But I'm writing comments to stamp out their own self importance and feelings.Hang on!! Where did I get that piece of wisdom.Oh! it was you!! haha.I kinda said something like that below too. Report abusePosted by sirpeter on Oct 11, 2011, 01:21 PM EDT@difranco77.I have typed a few comments in other articles in relation to this dog.You might learn something if you read them.When you make a comment like Quote"WAKE UP IRELAND the world is watching!!Unquote.It tells me YOU have little sense of reality.Here is a FACT for you.33% of the world is starving.FOUR MILLION people starve to death every year!!You say!!People should call their officials, have protests,write letters,share this story to everyone you can AND how can anybody sleep with this injustice.If the dog is saved you will be able to sleep then will you?You need to spend some time watching innocent PEOPLE die of disease and starvation and you won't be to concerned for doggy Lennox after experiencing the agony of death PEOPLE go through.No!!You're comment is not about justice or compassion.It's about calming YOUR OWN emotions about the loss of an animal while ignoring important issues.I have known plenty dog owners who give more time to their dog and treat them better then they do their own children.People who save peoples life's and want real justice don't have time to write and spend time campaigning to save what is probably an aggressive animal according to the experts who decide these things.Walk around the poorer parts of your community and open your eyes or why don't you write to McDonnell's about your so called "BEINGS" that you stuff your face with year in year out.Do something more useful ya hippy!! Report abusePosted by whatISinAname on Oct 11, 2011, 01:18 PM EDTsee sirpeter... just read quincygirl and all the dribble... Report abusePosted by whatISinAname on Oct 11, 2011, 01:15 PM EDTsirpeter, ignore them. Every blog on the save Lennox campaign only knows how to attack the character of people. They talk like authorities on the subject and present their case in the "I was there mentality". Why? Because they can not think outside the box of what they are being told by the "hearsay is evidence " websites. All they have for evidence is their own self importance and feelings. Report abusePosted by quincygirl on Oct 11, 2011, 01:13 PM EDTHEY whatsinaname persondid you read Victoria Stillwell article about Lennox? have you ever seen a dog jump on a visitor when they come in your house? as for warden being oh so scared of Lennox, why don't you tell us about the photo's of her and Lennox. Also, didn't anyone ever tell you not to corner an animal? Belfast Council does not want to admit they made an error. They would lose face. One more thing, if you believe all that crap that you just spewed out, maybe someone should come and measure you, throw you in a prison for a year and a half then do an evaluation on you.. You, my Irish friend are a dumb ass and need to get your facts straight Report abusePosted by Sheldonopolis on Oct 11, 2011, 12:54 PM EDT@ sirpeter thanks for assuming that we can't care about more than one thing. The reasons people are starving are many and very complicated one of which being that there are far too many people for this one planet to support. Plus I believe you may mean "dying" and not dieing. Maybe your thin argument would have a little more weight to it if you could spell. Aside from all that there is a more important point here than just a dogs life as important as that is. The legal system is under scrutiny here as well. A dog warden has commited perjury. By ignoring this it sends a message that it's ok to lie during legal prodeedings and sets a frankly worrying precedent. Lennox has done nothing wrong. Lennox has been seized purely because of what he looks like, BSL is racism for dogs. Report abusePosted by eve9tmp on Oct 11, 2011, 12:52 PM EDTJust let this beautiful boy go home. This is the true face of BSL, bureaucracy gone mad. He has done NOTHING wrong. To murder him, and murder it would be, because of how he looks is pointless and beyond cruel. Out there is a little girl who just wants her best friend to come home, so why don't you let him eh? Come on BCC do the RIGHT thing and free Lennox now!! Report abusePosted by sirpeter on Oct 11, 2011, 12:15 PM EDT@whatISinAname.At least you are putting things in perspective. Report abusePosted by whatISinAname on Oct 11, 2011, 12:02 PM EDTHere we go again. This dog has had more reviews of its sentence than a death row inmate in the USA gets. Again, if you want to believe the "save Lennox" campaign then you would have to believe that the Judge, Dog Warden and police dog trainer were all in a conspiracy against Lennox. You would have to believe that the dog warden was not threatened at the first meeting and you would have to ignore the dog owners own words to the judge about anxiety issues the dog has regarding new people and the medication the dog took. But lets ignore all of this and the professionals we pay to enforce the law and lets look at the little baby pictures of cute Lennox and believe all the propaganda of the web because dogs are people too aren't they? Lets team up and harass the other dog wardens in the city like has been done and lets not forget about the children of the dog wardens, after all people are not as important as doggies. Wrong or right, the supporters of Lennox and their owners have lied, mislead and basically ignored the evidence in this case. But again lets ignore that because I know what is best because I have feelings for a baby photo of Lennox. Report abusePosted by boxerdog on Oct 11, 2011, 11:42 AM EDTI have seen how calm dogs can be until they are approached in an aggressive manner by animal control. This dog should be allowed to live-Lennox has done nothing to deserve death. People who are "in charge" of animals often have no idea about how to handle them and I have seen MANY who work at animal control here in San Diego California who are either prejudiced against certain breeds or who are simply afraid of certain breeds...they should be FIRED and the dogs should LIVE! To be judged on how a dog looks is so stupid as to deserve ridicule worldwide. Report abusePosted by difranco77 on Oct 11, 2011, 10:41 AM EDTSir Peter, if you don't care about the injustice and mistreatment of one being, how can you complain about the plights of others? I can tell you that i for one care about the issues you spoke of, however THIS particular article is about something different. A dog who has been taken away from its family, a dog who did nothing wrong and has been taken away simply because of its looks. Is now shoved into a small windowless space aka a jail cell and is going to be put down. Perhaps it is YOU sirpeter who needs to re evaluate your priorities in life? If you can't feel compassion for a family and their deep love for a pet, then how can you say you have compassion for anything else? Usually people who care about others don't pick and chose on what is the most important issues, its about fixing all of them. Perhaps you would eat your dog, but most of us wouldn't eat a member of the family. Unless you see other family members as potential meals in times of crisis? Hmmmm perhaps i'm writing to a mad man after all. WAKE UP IRELAND the world is watching!! If you live in Ireland you must do all possible to help stop this!!! It is horrible and will reflect very poorly on your nation!!!Call your officials, have protests, write letters, share this story to everyone you can. How can we sleep at night knowing this kind of horrible in justice has taken place? Help this dog and probably many more in the future. This judge and district may think twice before discriminating against a dog for "looks". Report abusePosted by JRofTPM on Oct 11, 2011, 10:15 AM EDTThanks, SirPeter, for assuming we don't care about starvation just because this article isn't about that. I can walk AND chew gum at the same time. Sorry that you won't. And what, SirPeter, are YOU doing about that situation (other than belly aching here that others won't handle it for you)? If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Don't waste your time here, complaining about what concerns other people may have. Report abusePosted by Jakki on Oct 11, 2011, 08:59 AM EDTIs there any proof that this dog is aggressive and has bitten or attacked someone? Seems unfair to prejudge an animal based on such little evidence. Report abusePosted by sirpeter on Oct 11, 2011, 08:58 AM EDTPeople starving to death all over the world.It's no wonder billions of people in third world countries have contempt for us rich nations.Our priorities in who should have media attention is totally screwed up.Caroline Barnes would have more to be heart broken about if her stomach was sticking to her back bone and her siblings or parents were dieing.The family wouldn't see Lennox as a pet then but as a tasty meal.There is only so much sympathy and so much of this crap I can take.
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