Massive Surfing Event on Oregon Coast Begins
Published 11/01/2010
(Lincoln City, Oregon) - The 2010 Nelscott Reef Big Wave Classic will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, November 2, under what looks to be the biggest conditions ever for the Nelscott event.
Conditions forecast for Tuesday are for light and variable winds, and very large surf. If the system continues to develop as expected, swell should be 21 feet at 16-18 seconds. This is expected to produce swells upwards of 30 feet.

Nelscott District of Lincoln CityThat is quite a bit larger than previous years. The largest swell that the event has run in was 17 feet at 17 seconds, which produced waves in the range of 30 to 40 feet.
The Nelscott Reef Big Wave Classic is a unique event in that a set of weeks in October and November are set aside as when the event may take place, but the actual date is dependent on certain surf condition. The exact date of the event is announced 48 hours ahead of time when conditions are right.
“This swell caught my eye the second it started showing up on the charts,” said John Forse, event founder. “The wind and a competing south swell were my only concerns, and now it looks as though neither will be an issue.”
The Nelscott Reef event is the only big wave event to have been held every year since its inception, and it has been called on what turned out to be the best days of each year.

Conditions this size will be a major test for the organizers and competitors, as the 2010 contest will be the first time the event is paddle in only. It has been a tow-in event up until now, with boats towing contestants out to the famed reef – about a mile offshore.
The change to paddle in coupled with the event being a part of the Big Wave World Tour has ensured that some of the top names in the industry will be present on Tuesday. Also, the Nelscott event looks to be the first big wave contest to feature women.
"I have a lot of respect for some of the older guys we invited that have chosen to step aside and let some of the up and coming talent take a turn,” Forse said. "People like Gary Linden and Ross Clarke Jones have given up their spots for younger surfers to have a chance. It is the ultimate show of sportsmanship in my opinion."

The Nelscott Reef sits a mile out to sea, and creates massive sources of amusement for surfers. It was actually only discovered in recent years.
The Nelscott Reef web page contains the most up to date information on the event. People can sign up for email alerts as well. The Nelscott Reef Big Wave Classic is honored and proud be a part of the Big Wave World Tour and promote big wave surfing
internationally. For more info go to and and
While weather has been in the "raining cats and dogs" category along the coast, those conditions are expected to clear considerably over the next days. Click here for Oregon Coast Weather.

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