It is summer and that means it is time to escape from the rut that is regular life. The days are longer, gas is spiking, and adventure awaits. Having done some form of crazy trip every summer since I left college, now that I am married I think it is important to continue the tradition. Let’s be realistic – every now and then I need to escape regular life, so I made sure I married someone who had the same desire to get off the beaten path that I have.
That said, since we are on our way back from the beach and on a very boring stretch of road, I thought I would make a list of essentials for a summer road trip.
Someone to go with who likes similar activities and has about the same budget, unless of course, you or your traveling buddy want to foot the whole bill.A GPS, smart phone, or road atlas to help determine where you are going and more importantly, to help you find your way back home.Reservations somewhere or a smart phone to make reservations on the road. You might like to camp. Personally, I prefer hotels, and my Miata is too small for a tent and two people.A fun reliable car that gets good gas mileage.SunglassesIpod/iPhone/itouch/iPad/laptop… You get the picture…Camera, if it isn’t built into an item from #6.Inexpensive wedding bands. I have too many friends who have lost the real wedding band in the ocean or at the lake while participating in watersports. I just picked up a funky mood ring and my husband got a brushed stainless steel metal band with a gecko cutout. Beachy and replaceable.SunscreenSarong – the most helpful piece of fabric I own. It can be a towel, table cloth, picnic blanket, skirt, coverup,metc. AND it fits easily into any size bag and dries almost instantly.A AAA cardA variety of clothes for all occasions including something nice just in case.ShoesSome form of legal tenderA water bottleHomemade oatmeal cookiesBasic tool kit and knife. You never know when you are going to need to do basic car repairs or cut up snacks on the road.Chapstick and toiletries as needed.First aid kit. This is a definite must if you are taking your children with you or if you are planning on doing anything besides laying out at the pool.A sense or adventure and the expectation that you are going to have a great time wherever you wind up.Tags: aaa card adventure college road trip first aid kit gps Inexpensive wedding bands Ipod/iPhone/itouch/iPad/laptop legal tender mazda miata Mazda MX5 miata na miata nb miata nc motor city motorcitymusclecars road atlas Road Trip Essentials road trip top ten road trip top twenty sarong shoes smart phone snife summer road trip sunglasses Sunscreen tool kit top 10 top 20 water bottle watersports
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